The Mixed-Age Classroom

The Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI) lists the following benefits of multiage classrooms:

  • Children develop a sense of family with their classmates. They become a "community of learners" who support and care for each other.

  • Older children have the opportunity to serve as mentors and to take leadership roles.

  • Children are more likely to cooperate than compete. The spirit of collaboration and caring makes it possible for children to help each other as individuals, not see each other as competitors.

  • Older children model more sophisticated approaches to problem-solving, and younger children are able to accomplish tasks they could not do without the assistance of older children. This dynamic increases the older child’s level of independence and competence.

  • Children are invited to take charge of their learning. This sense of "ownership" and self-direction is the foundation for lifelong learning.

  • Children are able to spend several years with the same teacher. This allows the teacher to develop a deeper understanding of a child’s strengths and needs and better support the child’s learning.

  • Children have several years to develop and are able to see themselves as progressive, successful learners.

  • Children are viewed as unique individuals. The teacher focuses on teaching each child according to his or her strengths, unlike in same-grade classrooms that often expect all children to be at the same place at the same time regarding ability.

  • Children are not labeled according to their ability. For example, children in same-grade classrooms may be labeled "below grade level" or "low." These children may stop trying, while those labeled "above grade level" or "high" may not feel challenged.

  • Children learn at their own rate, with no fear of retention. In same-grade classrooms, children are retained if they do not master content by the end of the year. In mixed-age classrooms, children have more time to master content without worry.

“Students in mixed-age classrooms have significantly more positive attitudes toward school, themselves, and others.” 

     - (Stone, 1996; Veenman, 1998)


Our students spend a significant part of their day in outdoor education.

Our student-to-teacher ratio is 10:1 for each mixed-aged classroom.

RFFS educators’ average teaching experience is 14.75 years.

Our campus is housed in the history Hollin Hall, built by George Mason in the 1780s.



All-Weather School

At River Farm Forest School, we are prepared for all weather. When snow days come around, they look slightly different than those at surrounding schools.

Our students gear up and hit the hiking trail in winter coats, hats, and gloves. When the snow is melting, our students put on their rain boots and go out to learn about streamflow and runoffs.

We recommend our students have rain and snow boots, wool socks, and a change of clothing on hand at all times!


Evolution of River Farm Forest School

Weary of large class sizes in their sons’ public elementary school, a "teach-to-the-test" philosophy that stifled creativity, and the lack of opportunities for movement or to interact with nature during the school day, two Alexandria parents set out to create a new educational experience for students in the Northern Virginia area. In December 2013, the neighbors founded the River Farm Cooperative – the first daily, parent-owned, teacher-led cooperative program in the DC area. The cooperative was named after George Washington's River Farm since the co-founders' homes were located on the site of the first president's farm. In addition, they admired the founding father’s innovative thinking, and the words "river farm" evoked a focus on nature that would be pivotal to the co-op's philosophy.

After eight months of intense planning and preparation, the co-op opened in September 2014 to a single, mixed-age class of 13 students. The following year, the co-op doubled in size, splitting into two mixed-age classrooms (the Upper Elementary class and the Lower Elementary class) led by two teachers.

We are a cooperative school, and just as our leaders change, our methods evolve to address the needs of the current community. This is how RFFS became a forest school. During the COVID-19 pandemic, we adapted to a fresh-air approach to our daily learning.